    发布者:haitelin1  发布时间:2021-09-29 16:08:13  访问次数:1156

    Haitelin technology, equity financing of US $5 million, interested in contacting.Engaged in the R & D and manufacturing of high-altitude cleaning machines (robots) and extended the market to high-altitude operation robots, involving industrial high-altitude operation, marine engineering high-altitude operation, commercial high-altitude operation and other fields.

    We have feelings. Capital needs high returns. We hope that the two sides will combine fairly and fairly and reach cooperation. The company does not welcome swindlers, intermediaries and people with ulterior motives. If investors are sincere and credible. We can make the most sincere concessions to raise the industry to a new level in terms of social effect or market income effect. All my team and I can do is keep our original heart and work stably! Distinguish between public and private, and develop our business to a new level with the help and control of the management.



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