    发布者:ankerui  发布时间:2024-01-02 14:05:46  访问次数:109


    Abstract: This article introduces the application of Acrel DC meters in  PV charging pile system in Netherlands.The device is measuring current,voltage and energy together with shunt.

    1.项目概述:Project Overview


    This company is located in Netherlands and is the new energy system installation services company in Netherlands. Mainly used DC energy meter DJSF1352-RN and shunt, used to measure and monitor parameters in DC charging Piles.


     DJSF1352-RN Series DC Energy Meters


    产品符合 Q/GDW1825-2013《直流电能表技术规范》、GB/T29318-2012《电动汽车非车载充电电能计量》、Q/GDW364-2009《单相智能电能表技术规范》等标准的相关技术要求。

    DJSF1352-RN series intelligent DC energy meter is designed for applications such as DC panels, solar power,telecommunications base stations, and charging posts. This series of instruments can measure voltage, current, power,forward and reverse power in DC system. It can be used for local display, and connected with industrial control

    equipment, computers, form a measurement and control system. And it has a variety of external excuse functions for the user to choose: RS485 communication interface, Modbus-RTU protocol, relay alarm output, digital input/output. According to different requirements, through the instrument panel keys, you can set the ratio, communication parameters.

    The product meets the relevant technical requirements of the standard Q/GDW1825-2013 DC power meter specification,GB/T29318-2012 Non-vehicle charging electric energy metering for electric vehicles,Q/GDW364-2009 Single-phase energy meter


    3.技术参数Technical data

    4.主要功能Product main functions

    5.安装图片Installation picture

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