    发布者:日昕动力科技  发布时间:2018-07-18 06:26:36  访问次数:61

    与国二相比,国三主要氮氧化合物(NOx)和碳氢化合物(THC),根据发动机功率段的不同,幅度约30%-45%,并新增了排放控制耐久性要求。新的第三阶段要求与欧盟的IIIA阶段和美国的第三阶段控制水平相当。新界约翰迪尔4045气门室盖垫片找哪家?CATG3512 压缩行程 1-3-6-7-10-12 1-4-5-6-9-12 排气行程 2-4-5-8-9-11 2-3-7-8-10-11 点火次序 1-12-9-4-5-8-11-2-3-10-7-6卡特CAT柴油机喷油器与缸盖结合孔漏气窜油.当喷油器装缸盖时,应仔细安装孔内的积碳,铜垫圈必须平整,不得用石棉板或其它材质代替,以防散热不良或起不到密封作用。若自制铜垫圈,则必须以紫铜按规定厚度加工,以确保喷油器伸出缸盖平面的距离符合技术要求。例如135系列卡特CAT柴油机的此距离为1.5~2mm,过大过小都会影响气缸压缩比。另外,喷油器压板的凹形应朝下安装,紧固时切忌单边偏压,应按规定扭矩均匀拧紧,否则喷油器头部会因变形偏斜而产生漏气窜油。http://www.enproway.com/productshow_1380.html更换发动机空气滤清器滤芯(单滤芯)-检查-更换燃油-注油检查发动机空气滤清器指示器检查空气滤清器指示器,当出现以下情况时,说明需要清洗或更换空气滤芯:–活动柱入红域–空气流动阻力达到6kPa(25英寸水柱)空气滤清器指示器–检查指示器的复位情况–检查当流动阻力达到设定值时,活动柱塞能否自动锁定在红色位置。21. Remove two cap screws (B) and nut (A) on all fuelinjectors. Remove fuel injection nozzle harness.NOTE: Loosen all rocker arm adjusting screws prior toremoving assembly.22. Remove both end clamclamps (D), clamps (C) and rockerarm shaft assembly.A—NutB—Cap Screw (2 used)C—ClampD—End Clamp23. Remove all push rods (A) and identify for reassemblyin the same location. Clean and inspect push rods.24. Remove all bridges (B) and identify for reassembly inthe same location.A—Push RodB—Bridge曲轴轴颈和主轴的测量与值参数1.With crankshaft removed from engine, assemble main bearing caps with bearing inserts. Be sure inserts are installed correctly.2. Tighten main bearing cap screws to 135 N?m (100lb-ft).3. Measure and record main bearing assembled ID (A) at several points with an inside micrometer.4. Measure and record crankshaft main journal OD (B) and rod journal OD (C) at several points around each journal.NOTE: If an undersized crankshaft has been installed,measured dimensions will not meet specifications.However, bearing-to-journal oil clearance must be within specification. See CRANKSHAFT GRINDING GUIDELINES later in this group.5. Compare measurements with specifications given below.机油泵John Deere约翰迪尔强鹿柴油发动机机油泵配件销售技术零件资料手册KEY PART NO. PART NAME QTY SERIAL NO. T REMARKS1 RE52020 KIT 1 X2 14H826 NUT 1 X 1-2"-13UNC3 R61871 O-RING 1 X4 R74354 O-RING 1 X5 R97185 O-RING AR X6 R113752 OIL TUBE NA X W- COLOR MARK7 R115280 OIL TUBE 1 X APPL8 R75892 O-RING AR X9 SPUR GEAR NA X Z = 3310 T20298 HELICAL GEAR 1 X Z = 3311 R57059 CAP SCREW 1 X LGTH 70MM12 12H304 LOCK WASHER 1 X 3-8"9700-拆下凸轮轴NOTE: It is not necessary to remove cylinder head fromengine for camshaft removal. If push rods arebent or show excessive scuffing, it may benecessary to remove cylinder head for inspectionof block, head and camshaft followers. (SeeREMOVE CYLINDER HEAD in Group 020 or021.)New service camshafts he fixed gears.Camshaft and gear are replaced as an assembly.1. Drain engine oil and coolant, if not previously done.2. Measure valve lift. (See MEASURE VALVE LIFT,earlier in this group).3. Remove rocker arm assembly and push rods. (SeeREMOVE CYLINDER HEAD in Group 020.)4. Remove timing gear cover. (See REMOVE TIMINGGEAR COVER, earlier in this group.)5. Remove cap screws (A) and camshaft activated fuelsupply pump. See REMOVE FUEL SUPPLY PUMP inSection 02, Group 090 of CTM207 (Mechanical FuelSystems), REMOVE FUEL SUPPLY PUMP in Section02, Group 090 of CTM331 (Level 12 Electronic FuelSystems with Stanadyne DE10 Pump) or REMOVEMECHANICAL FUEL TRANSFER PUMP in Section 02,Group 090 of CTM220 (Level 11 Electronic FuelSystems with Denso High Pressure Common Rail).http://rxdlkj.com/Perkins1204e-e44tta%E5%92%8C1206e-e66ta%E6%9F%B4%E6%B2%B9%E5%8F%91%E5%8A%A8%E6%9C%BA%E7%9B%91%E6%8E%A7%E5%BC%95%E6%93%8E%E7%9B%91%E6%8E%A7%E9%83%A8%E5%88%86%E7%BB%B4%E4%BF%AE-1038.html


    8. Install vibration damper-pulley or pulley on crankshaft.(See INSTALL PULLEY OR VIBRATION DAMPERAND PULLEY in this group.)9. Install poly-vee belts.Install Front Crankshaft Oil Seal or Unitized OilSeal-Wear Sleeve—Tapered Nose CrankshaftNOTE: For proper seal installation depth, see FRONTOIL SEAL-WEAR SLEEVE INSTALLATIONTABLE earlier in this procedure.1. Inspect and clean seal bore in timing gear cover.Check for nicks or burrs. Use a medium-grit emerycloth to smooth rough areas.IMPORTANT: To ensure proper sealing, the OD of thecrankshaft and wear sleeve MUST BEcleaned with Brake Kleen, IgnitionCleaner, or equivalent and dried prior toinstalling seal.新界约翰迪尔4045气门室盖垫片找哪家?CAT一级冷却冷却液样品的获取.注意:通常情况下,用不同的专用泵来抽取油样和冷却液的样本,若用同一个泵抽取两种不同的样本时会引起交叉污染,这种交叉污染可能会影响用户对液样化验分析的误解。http://rxdlkj.com/%E9%9F%A9%E5%9B%BD%E6%96%97%E5%B1%B1%E5%A4%A7%E5%AE%87%E5%8F%91%E7%94%B5%E6%9C%BA%E5%8F%91%E5%8A%A8%E6%9C%BA%E7%BB%B4%E4%BF%AE%E4%BF%9D%E5%85%BB-695.html卡特CAT柴油机进、排气阀检修.1.用清洗油对进、排气阀进行清洗。2.检查以下内容:气阀头部的腐蚀情况、气阀杆部的弯曲及腐蚀情况、检查阀座的烧毁及损伤情况、检查阀座及阀杆部的贴合情况、阀座及弹簧的裂纹情况(着色检查)。3.用外径千分尺测量进、排气阀阀杆。注意:结合气阀导筒内径的测量结果,计算阀杆及导筒的间隙。当间隙超过更换极限时,更换磨损严重的阀。杭州柴油机发电机价格,文成附近哪里有修发电机的价位,新邵威尔信发电机P44E价位,玉环MTU 发电机一级代理,奉化帕金斯柴油机350kw价格,辰溪三菱s12R发动机公司,麻阳玉柴发电机300kw找哪家,鼎城柴油发电机150kw代理商,Exhaust FlowPrime = PRP – m3-min (ft3-min) - 23.1 (816) 32.0 (1130)Standby = LTP – m3-min (ft3-min) - 25.4 (897) 37.2 (1243)Exhaust TemperaturePrime = PRP – °C (°F) - 555 (1031) 533 (991)Standby = LTP – °C (°F) - 575 (1067) 553 (1027)Max. Allow. Back Pressure – kPa (in.H2O) - 7.5 (30) 7.5 (30)Recommended Exhaust Pipe Dia – mm (in.) 101.6 (4) 101.6 (4)Cooling System 1500 rpm 1800 rpmThermostat Start to open – °C (°F)- 82 (180) 82 (180)Power Unit Coolant Capacity – L (qt) - 26.0 (27.5) 26.0 (27.5)Minimum Air to Boil temperature – °C (°F) -- 47 (117) 47 (117)Fuel System 1500 rpm 1800 rpmFuel Injection Pump - Stanadyne StanadyneGovernor Regulation -- 5% 5%Governor Type - Mechanical Mechanical4. Place dial indicator tip on top of valve spring cap(retainer) or rotator. Preload indicator tip and set dial at0.0 mm (0.0 in.).5. Remove timing pin from flywheel and manually rotateengine one full revolution (360) in running directionusing appropriate flywheel turning tool.6. Observe dial indicator reading as valve is moved to fullopen. Record maximum reading and compare withspecifications given below.5. Remove exhaust manifold (A).6. Remove turbocharger oil drain line (B) and heat shield(C).7. Remove sleeve (D) from each exhaust port.8. Remove thermostat housing (E), coolant manifold andside port. See REMOVE AND INSTALL COOLANTMANIFOLD, THERMOSTATS AND SIDE PORT(FOUR-VALVE HEAD) in Group 070.A—Exhaust ManifoldB—Turbocharger Oil Drain LineC—Heat ShieldD—SleeveE—Thermostat Housinghttp://www.enproway.com/newsdetail_818.html


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